An Elegant Dance with Spare Parts

Where:Bethel Grove Community Center
Route 79, East of Ithaca
When:Sunday, December 7, 1997
Dish-to-Pass supper at 6:30
Dance at 7:30 PM

There will be a special holiday English Country Dance on Sunday, December 7 - just one day after the feast day of St. Nicholas - that generous, gift giving, fun loving soul. The dance has been arranged to make the most of the talents of some visiting musicians.

David Kaynor, Liz Stell, and Bill Matthiesen are visiting Central New York, playing at contra dances in Ithaca, Rochester, and Syracuse. Before heading home, these fine musicians will return to Ithaca and Pamela Goddard is preparing a program of English dancing to accompany their music.

We hope all those who have joined us in the past for English Country Dances will come out for this event, and invite their friends! The evening will begin with a festive dish-to-pass supper at 6:30pm, and the floor will be cleared for dancing at 7:30pm.

For those who haven't yet tried this dance form, you may have seen English Country Dance in recent films of Jane Austin's works. This style of dance, the basis of New England Contra Dancing, is enjoying a well-deserved revival. Each set of figures in an English Country Dance is designed to fit with a specific tune. Many of these tunes are beautiful melodies from the 17th and 18th centuries. Some dances are simple, others complex, and all provide unique opportunities to interact with fellow dancers.

Come join us for a beautiful evening, and welcome musician friends, Spare Parts.

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  • Tompkins County Country Dance web site
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